The European Association for the advancement of archaeology by experiment (e.V.=registered association) has the goal of establishing and strengthening experimental archaeology as scientific method in archaeology. Furthermore, knowledge in the field of experimental archaeology should be published for a broad a non-scientific and scientific audience. - exar.org
EXARC is an affiliated organisation to ICOM, the International Council of Museums, for Archaeological Open-Air Museums, Experimental Archaeology, Ancient Technology and Interpretation. With 250 members in 40 countries it offers a strong supportive network. EXARC publishes the EXARC Journal and has a strong online presence. - exarc.net
The members of ExperimentA, Association for Experimental Archaeology, aquire ancient craft skills and put prehistoric techniques to the test. They carry out scientific experiments in order to gain answers to archaeological questions and to contribute to fundamental research. They impart their gained knowledge and skills to the public at symposia and museum events. - www.experimentarch.ch
Archaeology Switzerland
The association was established in 1907 as "Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Urgeschichte" and transformed into "Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Ur- und Frühgeschichte" in the mid-1960ies. Since 2006 it bears the name "Archäologie Schweiz" ("Archaeology Switzerland"). With around 2,000 members it is the largest archaeological society in Swizerland. - www.archaeologie-schweiz.ch
SAA - Public Archaeology
The "Society for American Archaeology SAA" is an international organization of more than 6,600 professional and part-time archaeologists. It is dedicated to research, interpretation, and protection of the archaeological heritage of the Americas. - www.saa.org